Reheat Chicken Thighs in Air Fryer? Quick & Easy Guide

So you’ve got some leftover chicken thighs sitting in the fridge, and you’re wondering how to bring back that just-cooked juiciness and crispness. Look no further than your trusty air fryer! It’s a game-changer for reheating leftovers, especially when it comes to keeping that perfect texture we all love.

Reheating chicken thighs in an air fryer is not only quick but also incredibly effective at maintaining flavor. No more soggy or dried-out chicken; this method will have your meal tasting like it came straight out of the oven. Plus, using an air fryer means less mess and minimal cleanup – who doesn’t want that?

Before diving into the process make sure your air fryer is clean because nobody likes their chicken with a side of last week’s flavors. Get ready to give those thighs a second life that might just be better than their first round on your plate!

Why use an air fryer to reheat chicken thighs

Health benefits of using an air fryer

Reheating chicken thighs in an air fryer isn’t just about convenience; it’s also a healthier choice. Air fryers work by circulating hot air around the food, mimicking the frying process without the need for excessive oil. Here’s why you might want to consider this method:

  • Less Oil: Unlike traditional frying methods, reheating with an air fryer requires little to no additional oil. This means fewer calories and less fat in your meal.
  • Reduced Acrylamide Formation: Cooking at high temperatures, especially frying, can lead to the formation of acrylamide—a compound associated with health risks. Air frying reduces acrylamide formation compared to conventional frying.
Cooking MethodAcrylamide Reduction
Air FryingUp to 90%
Oven BakingNone
Deep FryingNone

Source: Journal of Food Science

By choosing an air fryer, you’re not only cutting down on unhealthy fats but also potentially reducing harmful compounds from your diet.

Retaining the crispy texture of the chicken thighs

Let’s talk about that irresistible crunch! Reheating chicken thighs in an oven or microwave often leads to soggy skin—definitely not what you’re craving. But here’s how an air fryer keeps things crispy:

  • Even Heat Distribution: The rapid circulation of hot air ensures every part of the chicken thigh is evenly exposed to heat, crisping up the skin beautifully.
  • No Sogginess: Since there’s minimal moisture involved in air frying, unlike microwaving, you won’t end up with limp, sad-looking chicken skin.

Ever bitten into a perfectly reheated piece of chicken with that golden-brown exterior? That’s exactly what you get when you use an air fryer—it revives that day-old fried chicken like magic!

So next time those leftovers are calling out from the fridge, remember that your trusty air fryer is ready to bring back the snap and sizzle to your chicken thighs while keeping things on the healthier side. Happy munching!

How to properly reheat chicken thighs in an air fryer

Preheating the air fryer

Before you even think about tossing those chicken thighs into the fray, let’s talk preheating. Just like your trusty oven, your air fryer needs a little warm-up session. Crank it up to 375°F (that’s about 190°C for the metrically inclined) and give it a good three to five minutes of alone time. This ensures that when your chicken hits the basket, it’s greeted with a nice, even heat.

  • Turn on the air fryer.
  • Set temperature to 375°F.
  • Allow it to preheat for 3-5 minutes.

Placing the chicken thighs in the air fryer basket

Alright, now that your air fryer is all hot and ready, gently place those leftover chicken thighs in the basket. Make sure they’re not having a cuddle party; space them out so each piece can get back its crispy glory without any steamy interference from its neighbors.

  • Space out chicken thighs in the basket.
  • Avoid overlapping or stacking.

Setting the temperature and cooking time

You’ve got everything set up—it’s game time! Dial down that temp just a notch to around 350°F (177°C). Why? Because we want to reheat without overcooking. Now hit ’em with about four minutes before flipping them over—just enough time to start getting things sizzling again.

350°F4 mins

Flipping the chicken thighs halfway through

Halfway there! At this point, you’ll want to play flip-master and turn those bad boys over. This move isn’t just fancy; it’s functional too—ensuring both sides regain their rightful crunchiness equally.

  • Flip each thigh after initial cook time.
  • Ensure even reheating by turning them over carefully.

Checking the internal temperature

Safety first—you don’t want any cold surprises biting you back. Grab that meat thermometer and aim for an internal temp of at least 165°F (74°C). If they’re not quite there yet, give ‘em another minute or two but keep a close eye on them!

  • Use a meat thermometer.
  • Check if internal temp has reached at least 165°F.

Letting the chicken thighs rest before serving

Patience is key here because as much as you might be tempted to dive right in, letting those thighs rest for a couple of minutes will make all the difference. It allows juices to redistribute which means every bite will be just as juicy as you remember from last night’s dinner!

  • Let rest for a few minutes post-reheat.
  • Enjoy juicier bites by waiting just a tad longer before serving.

Tips for best results

Using a meat thermometer

You’ve got your chicken thighs out of the fridge and you’re ready to reheat them in the air fryer. But how do you make sure they come out just as juicy and delicious as when they were first cooked? Easy peasy, use a meat thermometer! This handy tool is your secret weapon for avoiding overcooked or undercooked poultry. Aim for an internal temperature of 165°F – that’s the sweet spot where safety meets succulence.

  • Preheat your air fryer before popping those thighs in.
  • Check the temp at the thickest part of the thigh.
  • Don’t have a thermometer yet? Consider getting one with an instant-read feature.

Remember, even if it’s just reheating, temperatures matter!

Storing leftover chicken thighs properly

Okay, so let’s talk about storage because it makes a HUGE difference. You want your leftovers to taste like they haven’t been left over at all, right? Here are some quick tips:

  • Cool down your cooked chicken thighs before refrigeration.
  • Use airtight containers or wrap them up tightly in foil or plastic wrap.
  • They’ll stay good for about 3–4 days in the fridge.

Properly stored chicken not only stays safe to eat but also retains its moisture better when you go to reheat it.

Adding seasoning or sauce for extra flavor

Now here’s where things get exciting! If you find your chicken thighs are needing a little oomph after their time in the cold confines of your refrigerator, consider adding some pizzazz with seasonings or sauces. A sprinkle of herbs can work wonders and brushing on some BBQ sauce can turn yesterday’s dinner into today’s lip-smacking treat.

  • Experiment with different spices like smoked paprika or garlic powder.
  • Brushing on sauce should be done in the last few minutes of reheating to avoid burning.

Just imagine: crispy skin from the air fryer coated with a glaze that has just enough stickiness… Yum!

Frequently asked questions

Can I reheat other types of chicken in an air fryer?

Absolutely! Your air fryer isn’t just for reheating chicken thighs. You can bring back the crispy glory to all sorts of chicken cuts. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Wings & Drumettes: They’re perfect for a quick crisp-up at 360°F for about 4-6 minutes.
  • Breast Pieces: Need a bit more time, usually around 5-7 minutes at 370°F, depending on size.

Remember that thinner pieces or those with less meat might require less time so they don’t dry out. Just make sure everything’s heated through before chowing down.

Can I reheat frozen chicken thighs in an air fryer?

You betcha! If your chicken thighs went from leftover status straight into the freezer, here’s how to revive them:

  1. Preheat your air fryer to 380°F.
  2. Place the frozen chicken thighs in the basket and cook for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Flip halfway through cooking to ensure even heating.

Keep an eye on them though – nobody likes overcooked chicken!

How long can I store leftover chicken thighs?

Leftover lovers, listen up! Storing your cooked chicken properly means you get to enjoy it longer. Check out these storage tips:

Storage LocationDuration
Refrigerator3-4 days
FreezerUp to 4 months

To keep things safe and tasty:

  • Cool ’em down quickly after dinner.
  • Wrap tightly or use an airtight container.
  • Label with the date if you’re popping them in the freezer.

Always give them a good sniff test when pulling leftovers out – better safe than sorry!


So you’ve mastered the art of reheating chicken thighs in your air fryer. Pretty nifty, right? Let’s quickly recap what you’ve learned so that next time hunger strikes, you’re ready to roll.

  • Quick and Easy: You now know that using an air fryer is a super quick way to get those leftovers tasting like they just came off the grill.
  • Crispy Perfection: No more soggy microwaved chicken for you! Your air fryer gets the skin crispy while keeping the inside juicy.
  • Healthier Option: Remember how we talked about not needing extra oil? That’s a win for keeping things healthier without sacrificing taste.

Now let’s talk tips:

  • Make sure your chicken isn’t overcrowded in the basket; airflow is key!
  • Don’t forget to flip halfway through for even cooking.
  • Always check that internal temp – safety first!

You might be wondering if there are any downsides. Well, it does take a bit longer than zapping your food in the microwave but trust me, the flavor payoff is worth those few extra minutes.

Here’s hoping this guide helps make your mealtime a breeze. Keep experimenting with different seasonings and sauces because hey, variety is the spice of life! Next time someone asks “What’s for dinner?” you can proudly say “Just whipping up some amazing leftover chicken thighs in my trusty air fryer!”

Happy eating!

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